The CD/DVD Library:
The Ultimate CD/DVD Companion

Why have password protection at all?

  • The reason The CD/DVD Library is equipped with password protection is for two reasons:


  1. This allows users to demo the product and get a good idea of what The CD/DVD Library can do, without having to pay a dime. It's also a great way to promote the idea of shareware.
  2. It prevents piracy. If we were to release every version of The CD/DVD Library without password protection, very few people would actually register the product. Thus, it is our best way to prevent piracy without causing too much hassle for the user. (Many people love the fact that The CD/DVD Library automatically has password protection built in!).



Changing Passwords (Mac OS) | Changing Passwords (Windows)
Special Note to Registered Users of Previous Versions
Why Have Password Protection At All?